Note: PayPal is deprecated as a payment service — this information is provided for historical purposes only. Please do not add PayPal without first contacting our support team.
On PayPal:
- Sign in (or sign up) to your PayPal account at
- If you do not already have a business account, click the gear in the top right and under Account Options click Upgrade to a business account and follow the instructions.
- Click on your name in the top right, then Account Settings
- Navigate to Account access, then API access
- Click on NVP/SOAP API Integration (Classic)
- Copy your API Username, API Password and Signature. You will use these to set up your PayPal payments.
On your website:
- Select Commerce from the Admin menu
- Click on Payment Methods to view and edit your payment services
Click Add Payment Method and select PayPal
Enter your API username, password and signature that you found on PayPal's website.
- The form will confirm validate that your credentials are correct, and display a green Valid next to the service name if they are correct.